Tag Archives: Julie Chen

Behind the Scenes: Designing a Children’s Book {Julie Chen Design for Tyndale House Publishers}


My last post introduced one of the cutest children’s books I have had the joy of designing. I had the honor of working on My Time With Grandma Bible Storybook for Tyndale House Publishers & I thought it would be fun to show some of the behind the scenes of book design. Over the last 17 years of book design I have found that the general public does not at all understand what a book designer “does”… & I have gotten comments such as “don’t you just put it all together like a puzzle?” {ie: they thought I was given the image, typography & color elements & I simply arranged them in Word!} Ha! Not so much … it is a process {SO MUCH FUN!} & starts with a manuscript & blank page in a sketchbook where I can begin to dream.


When designing children’s books specifically one of the first things the designer will do is choose an illustrator. In this case, my art director had already chosen the illustrator, the one and only FABULOUS artist Ela Jarzabek. Ela lives in a village in Poland, so another interesting thing in developing children’s books is working with artists internationally, such as what I did with Jago when I designed The Jesus Storybook Bible. {OH, how I dream of meeting these artists!}


Maybe it’s because I studied illustration in college, or maybe it’s purely because of my love of art, but to me the illustrations carry so much of the success of a children’s book. Sure, you can have a great 32 page story, but without marrying those words to art that compliments the writing style & brings the words to life before a child’s eyes, your book will not shine. It is the ART that makes a picture book come to LIFE! And we were looking for a whimsical artist who could bring these Bible stories to life for children ages 3-6.


The above sketches show my thumbnails of possible cover directions. The product developer wanted to make the grandma & children bears so that they were not limited to race or real age, but rather make an imaginary sweet family to appeal to everyone. Since the book is to be read by a grandma to her grandkids, it also had to appeal to both boys & girls. My thought pattern took me to what would a grandma bear like to do with her grandbears? Obviously they would be outdoors, in a forest, so what activities would both boys & girls take part of?


Some ideas you see include fishing, snuggling in a hammock, sitting on a log enjoying the other animals around them, or laying in the grass reading the bible. I involved my own kids every step of this process {come back another day & I will show you the process of the interior!}


You also will note a variety of fonts {typefaces} I played with, as well as emphasizing “My Time with Grandma” versus “Bible Storybook”. {I personally liked emphasizing “Bible Storybook” as I thought it was a quicker read of the importance of the book, but you will see my opinion did not win out & the publisher felt it was more important to emphasize “My Time with Grandma” to the market.}


The above is the cover direction that won! Grandma reading to her grandbears as the boy playfully lays in the tree while the girl snuggles into grandma after a sweet little picnic. I thumbnail both the cover & back cover so the illustrator can see my vision as well as where typography will interact with the art. I also verbally do a write up to describe anything that is important to me: the squirrel peeking out of the tree, another family of birds, yummy food in the picnic basket, etc… it’s all in my head & my concept. I even reference Ela’s own work to begin to describe the personality of bears she’s done that I want ours to look like, as well as color palette, etc…


The above sketch is what Ela sent back to me… OH MY GOODNESS!!!! There is nothing like seeing your little stick figures & sketches come to life by an artist you admire so much! I think I did the happy dance when I opened my email that morning & downloaded the above sketch!

It is then my turn to place her sketch into my design with typography finalized to present to the publishing committee. {If anyone out there cares, I design books in Adobe InDesign & do any art work in Photoshop} As a team, we discuss any necessary changes & then I give feedback to the artist of what needs to change. In this case, I did not feel like Grandma’s eyes were connecting with the children nor did she look too excited, so I asked Ela to have the grandma make eye contact with her granddaughter. At this stage we also discuss any further color issues if need be.



And, TA-DA!!!! The final cover!!! I could not be happier with this project. Thank you Ela for making my dreams come true. You added more of your heart to this book & went above & beyond in every illustration! I cannot wait to show you all more of the interior process.


So, the next time all of you are book shopping & you think those covers “just happened” … well, think again!


Grace & Peace,


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NEW! Inspirational Art & Scripture Art for Spring


{all art available HERE]


After a longggg, cold winter I felt the urge to add a little color to my collection, so I came up with the new “Blessings & Friendship” set of 4. These are perfect to give to a friend or loved one to let them know how special they are. With Mother’s Day quickly upon us, these would be a great gift for any mom, aunt, grandma, stepmom, or friend as they are sweet enough & yet general enough for anyone!


Here is the rest of my full color series:



I’ve got more goodies up my sleeve… dying to share it all with you, but alas, another day! Come back next week for a FUN Mother’s Day giveaway!


Grace & Peace,


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Owl Creations


We are crazy about owls in our house. Ever since My Favorite Little Mister read the Guardians of Ga’hoole series {combined with his love of nature & all things animals}, owls have become a permanent fixture in our home. He still sleeps with “Bubo” his great horned owl and this past weekend when the kids got quite an Easter candy haul, I woke up Sunday morning to his newest owl creation. I LOVE my son’s creativity. It never ends. From music to Legos to origami to drawing to building scenes out of colored rocks and now, CANDY!


He made the owl candy for me and I made the Proverbs 9 owl art for him. It hangs in “Owland” {his bedroom} & I will show you more photos of that at another time. I love you My Favorite Little Mister!


Grace & Peace,


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I Met a Rock Star!


{o.k., so she’s NOT a rock star…}


You know how some people want to meet rock stars, actors, or famous authors? Well, I want to meet children’s book illustrators! And, last autumn my family & I got to!!! Laura Huliska-Beith is definitely a rock star in my world & I emailed her to ask if we could come meet her & see her studio, and not only did she welcome us into her AMAZING home, she fed my kids doughnuts & PAINTED with them!


Here is a sampling of Laura’s work. I am sure most of you have seen it, either from playing Zingo with your kiddos or reading hilarious books like Little Red Hot.


Here we are in Laura’s home studio {a converted attic space where I could easily live, if it were not for the dogs}. She pulled out TONS of original art & signed books for us. It was fascinating for me to learn a little bit more about her creative process. Of course, I thought of a million questions once we left. Ha!


She then got out the brushes & let the kids paint with her GOOD brushes. gulp.

My Favorite Little Mister was explaining some origami he made for her.


Here are some other views of her studio. You climb up a spiral staircase to enter the converted attic space which has wonderful natural light & is filled with little treasures & inspiration. LOVE!

Notice that sewing machine?! She is also creating art with fabric.


Back to my home, where 3 of her original paintings reside.

Meet Pierre, the french chef in our kitchen.

As well as many of her books on our shelves.


The other 2 original paintings are in the girls’ room. The elephant is from The Book of Bad Ideas {SO FUNNY!} and the race car is from Favorite Things {a very sweet story to warm any mommy’s heart}.

Please go to your local bookstore & buy some of Laura’s books to support this wonderful artist.

You will NOT be disappointed!

Some other fun facts about Laura:

1. She just painted a HUGE mural in the Kansas City library

2. She loves dogs

3. She is a kid at heart & it comes out in her work

Other illustrators I would LOVE to meet {in no particular order}:

1. Eric Carle

2. Lane Smith

3. Maira Kalman

4. Jago {who I worked with on the Jesus Storybook Bible}

5. Vivienne Flesher {I have 2 of her originals in my home also!}

{OK, there are many more… I will not fill this page with my dream illustrators!}

If anyone has connections with these artists, let me know. I am willing to travel 🙂

Grace & Peace,


Meeting Caldecott Winner Dan Santat | Life Verse Design Blog - […] and greatly enjoyed his artwork. If anyone knows me, you know what a big deal this is. {Remember these encounters with my pal Laura Huliska Beith?!} Some people dream of meeting their favorite movie star, rock […]

Best Birthday Present Ever | Life Verse Design Blog - […] Do you remember when I met my “rock star” Laura Huliska-Beith?! […]

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Blogworthy: A Trip to the Zoo


The kids are on spring break this week & today we went to the Brookfield Zoo. In the desert house, you will find a little cat called a “caracal”. We were happy to see that there has been a full net in the caracal’s “den” {floor to ceiling to contain her} & she is back at the zoo. Seeing her reminded all of us of our crazy caracal adventure from 2012 so I thought I would share it here:


June 26, 2012
Location: Brookfield Zoo
Time: about 4:30 p.m.
The kids & I went for a short trip to the zoo as Pumpkin-Poos had been dying to go for so long. As we pass the carousel, I say to Sunshine Girl, “Hey, do you think any animals will escape the zoo today like in that book we like to read at home?”



{a very fun book to read to your kids}


Location:  the Desert House in the Brookfield Zoo
Time: about 4:45 p.m.
It is already considered a “good” zoo trip, as the jaguar is pacing back & forth, very active, the porcupine was out & about and the meerkats were on look out for anyone who may swipe their food.


{photo copyright Martin Harvey source: gettyone.com}

We pass the porcupines and head toward a bridge that separates the caracal from some other sort of desert animals (they look similar to hedgehogs). A kind teenage zoo volunteer is on the bridge & eager to educate us about these animals.

Me: Is he (the caracal) alone down there?

Zoo volunteer: Yes, and more interesting is that he has been known to try to jump or climb the walls (it is like a fake rocky ledge) because he really likes kids… {i am thinking: “likes kids?” hmmm….}

I am holding Pumpkin-Poos as my Favorite Little Mister & I are tall enough to peek over the fence. I am looking for the caracal who has quickly moved, and glance over to see him JUMPING UP & CLIMBING THE WALL RIGHT FOR SUNSHINE GIRL who is squatting at the fence peering through the slots to see down.caracal_03

{photo copyright Martin Harvey source: gettyone.com how they look in the wild}
Zoo volunteer: GET BACK & MOVE AWAY!!!!
{The caracal’s paws are over the top of the fence and he is easily climbing out!}
{I am quickly running away with the kids carrying Pumpkin-Poos in my arms & look back to see my Favorite Little Mister turn back to see if the caracal is all the way over the fence. HE IS COMPLETELY OVER THE FENCE!}
{I practically run into a zoo keeper who is out & about feeding the animals & tell her the teen needs help as the caracal is on the loose}
They shove us out the door & as they lock it behind us, all 3 kids almost in unison smile excitedly & exclaim, “NOW WE HAVE A STORY FOR DADDY!” {a phrase we often use around here}


After we all stopped having our near heart attacks, we were able to laugh & think straight.  I was NOT going to mess with a wild animal near my kiddos. Mama bear came out in me & then I felt so bad that I left that helpless teenager RIGHT NEXT TO THE CARACAL all by himself!

All I could picture was my Sunshine Girl being scratched to death in her beautiful face, which as you know already sports 2 scars from previous accidents. {she was VERY brave by the way… OH, she told me she looked him in the eye & when I said you know you should never look an animal straight in the eye, she changed her story to looking at his big, pointy ears}.

Well, we looked up caracals online & found out some interesting tidbits for you all:
1. They are desert animals
2. They are very well known for jumping 10 feet or more & are most known for being the only land carnivorous animal who can leap to catch a bird in flight.
3. They are excellent climbers 🙂 {ummm… you ain’t kidding!}
4. They are solitary creatures.

So, that is our big excitement for the day… heck, for the year! Here’s to many more zoo adventures! {Oh, and my Favorite Little Mister wants you to know that the lion was roaring & the sloth bears were wrestling!}

Grace & Peace,


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