Some Thoughts on Trusting God — Proverbs 3 Scripture Art {Half Price Tuesday + Behind the Scenes with Life Verse Design}

Prov3S_900{Art Available HERE}

This Scripture, Proverbs 3:5-6, is some of the most often quoted verses in all of the Bible. I chose the image to be a garden path as it is full of life and represents one step at a time, which is how {I think} we learn to trust in God. As we trust Him & He makes our paths straight, He gives us life in which we can rest in Him {ie: the bench}.

I have thought about trusting in God so much lately. I think often times we honestly say it flippantly in our “Christian” lingo. We also say it when we have no clue & it’s truly ALL we can do.

But, I ask you: what does it REALLY mean to trust in the Lord & acknowledge Him in all your ways?

This past summer, we had an incident which really has to this day challenged my thinking of what does it / should it look like to trust in God? Our kids were being cared for by family & at one point the caregiver & Sunshine Girl got in a fight. The caregiver made my son ride in the front seat {though we do not allow him to, as the air bag would hurt him as he is not heavy enough} & there was no booster seat for my youngest. So, Sunshine Girl {in her usual way} spoke up to say NO we will not go in the car. To which the caregiver replied, “We do not put our trust in seat belts or carseats or air bags, it is GOD who protects us & keeps us & we put our trust in HIM!”

So, it got me thinking: what DOES it look like to “trust in Him”? Is it to drive however you like & trust that God is sovereign & will watch over your life? Is it when you are sick to not take medicine cuz again, God’s the healer? Is it when you are out of a job that you just pray about it until one drops in your lap? Or, how does one acknowledge God in all their ways in light of severe injustice or pain?

I obviously do not agree with not taking proper precautions {ie: seat belts & abiding by the law}, but in today’s day & age where we in America essentially have anything we “need”, again… what DOES it look like for us to trust in the Lord?!

I personally think a lot of it comes down to prayer & obviously faith. Also integral is searching the Scriptures for truth & seeking wise counsel in others whom you look up to. I would love to hear your thoughts as you really ponder what this looks like in your daily personal life {& I am not just talking here about the huge life decisions like what job should I take or whom shall I marry, etc..}!

Today only I am offering the Proverbs 3:5-6 8×10 print HALF PRICE!

Just head on over to my Facebook page & leave a comment if you would like one & I will bill you.


Grace & Peace,




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