Chop Chop Lollipop! {Downers Grove Children Photography}


“Chop Chop Lollipop!” is a cute little saying we learned from Pumpkin-Poo’s preschool teacher & I think this phrase fits perfectly for what happened last night in our home… my sweet friend Tiffany came on over & gave Pumpkins a drastic haircut! She told me after the haircut that she wants to be just like her big sis. Thankfully, her big sis did not seem to mind too much {so far!}.2014-01-31_0013

She seriously cannot stop looking in the mirror & swinging her hair around. SO CUTE! This morning she requested a photo shoot, so I let her choose some of the clothing {why she always wants to wear summer clothes in the dead of winter is beyond me?!}2014-01-31_0014

If you want to get that adorable personalized pillow, go to my friend’s shop: Sarah & Abraham for LOTS of personalized gifts for kids, including sweet Valentine gifts! Of course we love this plate for our owl lovers!


Grace & Peace,


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